Saturday, December 5, 2009


Talks about life?

What do you got to say about life? Have you ever wonder why you are born into this world? What is your purpose of living? Do you believe that you are being sent to this world for a reason?

To date, i have lived for more than 19 years, but sometimes, i will ask myself, being here, what is the purpose of my life? Do i have any aims or dreams?

Some may tell themselves, "I have dreams, I want to become a millionaire, want to retire rich and young, want to achieve all my goals, even some may say want to become the president or prime minister...

I didn't say these dreams are ridiculous and impossible to achieve, they someday, may achieve what they really aimed for if they work hard for it. Everything is possible...

But ask yourself, after u become rich, what else you want to do? let's say, you would like to become someone like Bill Gates, a philanthropist and after that what you wanna do?

To some, they may think that it is enough, they are as wealthy as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, and they are a well-known philanthropist; helping themselves and other people as well.

But to some, they don't; To some, life is a part of the cycle; and some will say that God want me to be here, then i will be here and enjoy life to the fullest; and lastly some may think that there is a purpose that we are born into this world...

Close this post if you are reading it and take a few moments, think of yourself, think of why you are here; reading my post?

Until now, i still can't figure it out; I have dreams, and i have my own goals, but after achieving these, what else will i gonna do?

However, many will say that after u achieving all those goals, you are maybe ended up buried six feet under, or maybe you are lucky, enjoying your last moments...

To find the truth behind the existence of life in the planet Earth, it takes time and maybe when we are on a wheelchair and needs someone to look after us, we are still unable to discover it...

If you do, share it and you will be the happiest person on Earth...


Myself_psl said...

Life is Life. =.= Full stop.

WaterX said...

it is how u interpret it... life wont be that complicated if u think it simple...

Myself_psl said...

I can't find even one valid excuse to think life is as simple as you thought. maybe i haven't reached what i dreamed for. maybe one day i will realize that.

Jiatian said...

Life is about satisfaction.

why u work so hard?
bcause you want to satisfy yourself.

for those who appreciate, they are satisfy. for those who arent, they find everything, everyone wrong.Blaming others to satisfy themselves.

why we study so hard? because we want to satisfy our dreams- to earn lots n lots of money with the knowledge we learn.

why ppl just tend to behave like a kid when they're almost 20? bcause they just simply want others to think that they behave like an adult bt they messed it up.

It is the nature of human to have unlimited satisfaction.